The health and safety of the children enrolled in the center is the responsibility of all employees and all staff members will receive and be required to understand the contents of the school’s health care policy as part of their staff orientation and will be trained in the center’s infection control, injury prevention, care of mildly ill children and administration of medication procedures.
At least one staff member, who is certified in CPR for children, will always be onsite when children are present. All staff members, both administrative and teachers will be certified in both CPR and First Aid by the American Red Cross within the first six months of employment. All guardians enrolling in Bright Beginnings will receive a copy of this policy.
Emergency Phone Numbers
Carver Fire, Police and Ambulance : 911
Massachusetts Poison Control : 1-800-682-9211
Beth Israel Deaconess Plymouth Hospital : 508-746-2000
Tobey Hospital Wareham : 508-295-0880
Health Care Consultant – Ashley Sullivan RN BSN : 781-690-2470
Philosophy & Mission
We are so excited you have decided to have your family join ours!! Here at Bright Beginnings our teachers are passionately dedicated to ensuring your child is cared for in a nurturing and educational environment.
Plan For Managing Infectious Disease
Staff will take extra special precautions when children who are ill are diagnosed at the Center and when children who are mildly ill remain at the Center. Children who exhibit symptoms of the following types of infectious diseases, such as gastro-intestinal, respiratory, and skin or direct contact infections, may be excluded from the Center if it is determined that any of the following exist:
- The illness prevents the child from participating in the program activities or from resting comfortably
- The illness results in greater care need that the childcare staff can provide without compromising the health and safety of the other children
- The child has any of the following conditions: fever, unusual lethargy, irritability, persistent crying, difficult breathing, or other signs of serious illness; (Child may not return to school until symptom free without medication for 24 hrs.)
- Diarrhea (Child may not return to school until symptom free without medication for 24 hrs.)
- Vomiting two or more times in the previous 24 hours at home or once at the center (Child may not return to school until symptom free without medication for 24 hrs.)
- Mouth sores, unless the physician states that the child is non-infectious
- Rash with a fever or behavior change until the physician has determined that the illness is not a communicable disease
- Purulent Conjunctivitis (defined as pink or red conductive with white or yellow discharge, often with matted eyelids) until examined by a physician and approved for re-admission, with or without treatment
- Tuberculosis, until the child is non-infectious
- Impetigo, until 24 hours after treatment has started or all the sores are covered
- Head Lice, free of all nits or scabies and free of all mites
- Strep infection, until 24 hours after treatment and the child has been without fever for 24 hours
- many types of Hepatitis are caused by The symptoms are so alike that blood tests are needed to tell them apart. In the U.S., the most common types of Hepatitis are A, B, and C. Types B and C are spread through blood and other body fluids. Type A is spread through contaminated food and water or stool (feces). Fact sheets are available from the state Department of Public health.
- Chicken Pox or Hand Foot & Mouth disease, until last blister has healed
A child who has been excluded from child care may return after being evaluated by a physician, physician’s assistant or nurse practitioner, and it has been determined that he/she is considered to pose no serious health risk to him or her or to the other children. Nevertheless, Bright Beginnings may make the final decision concerning the inclusion or exclusion of the child.
If a child has already been admitted to the Center and shows signs of illness (for example: a fever equal to or greater than 100.5 degrees by the oral or auxiliary route, a rash, reduced activity level, diarrhea, etc.), he/she will be offered their mat, cot, or other comfortable spot in which to lie down. If the child manifests any of the symptoms requiring exclusion (as listed above) or it is determined that it is in the best interests of the child that he/she be taken home, his/her parent will be contacted immediately and asked to pick the child up as soon as possible.
When a communicable disease has been introduced into the Center, parents will be notified immediately, and in writing by the Director. Whenever possible, information regarding the communicable disease shall be made available to parents. Directors shall consult the Child Care Health Manual for such information. DPH must be contacted when there is a reportable communicable disease in your program.
Further the center will ensure that the staff and children wash their hands with soap and water, applying friction and using individual disposable towels:
- Before eating and handling food
- After toileting and diapering
- After encountering bodily fluids or discharge
- After handling animals or other equipment
- After cleaning
The center will adhere to the following schedule for cleaning equipment (with soap, water, and appropriate bleach solution) after each use:
- Toilet training chairs
- Sinks and faucets after being used to clean or rinse toilet training chairs
- Diapering surfaces
- Toys mouthed by infants and toddlers
- Mops used for cleaning bodily fluids
- Bibs
- Thermometers
At least daily:
- Toilet and toilet seats
- Containers and lids used to hold soiled diapers
- Sinks, faucets, drinking fountain, water tables, and water play toys
- Play tables
- Smooth surface non-porous floors
- Mops used for cleaning
- Cloth washcloths and towels
Weekly or as needed, when wet or soiled, and before use by another child
- Cribs, cots, mats or sleeping equipment
- Sheets, blankets, or other coverings
- Machine washable fabric toys
The center will use the EPA registered sanitizing disinfectants, securely stored, following the labeled directions for use
*The program requires, on admission, a physician’s certificate that each child has been immunized in accordance with the Department of Public Health’s recommended schedule. No child shall be required, under 102 CMR 7.00 to have any such immunization if his parent(s) object, in writing, on the grounds that if conflicts with their religious beliefs or if the child’s physician submits documentation that such a procedure is contradicted. This must be maintained in the child’s file.
No child will be admitted into the program without the required documentation for immunizations. (Childhood Lead screening must be done on all children; it is not considered an immunization). The program will maintain a list of the children who have documented exemptions from immunizations and these children will be excluded from attending when a vaccine preventable disease is introduced into the program. The Massachusetts Immunization Program provides free childhood vaccines. The toll-free telephone number is 1-888 658-2850.
Plan For Administration Of Medication
Prescription Medication
- Prescription medication must be brought to school in its original container with the prescription label with the child’s name. The doctor’s note must include the child’s name, the name of the medication, the dosage, the number of times per and the number of days the medication is to be administered.
- The Center will not administer any medication contrary to the directions on the label unless so authorized by written order of the child’s physician.
- The parent must fill out the Authorization For Medication Form and be signed by the parent and doctor before the medication can be administered.
Non-prescription Medication
- Non-prescription medication will be given only with written consent of the child’s The Center will accept a signed statement from the physician listing the medication(s), the dosage, and criteria for its administration.
- Along with the written consent of the physician, the Center will also need written parental The parent must fill out the Authorization for Medication form, which allows the Center to administer the non- prescription medication in accordance with the written order of the physician. The statement will be valid for one year from the date it was signed.
- The Center will make every attempt to contact the parent prior to be child receiving the non-prescription medication unless the child needs medication urgently or when contacting the parent will delay appropriate care
Topical Ointments and Sprays
- Topical ointments and sprays such as petroleum jelly, sunscreen, and bug spray, etc. will be administered to the child with written parental permission. The signed statement from the parent will be valid for one year from the date it was signed.
- When topical ointments and sprays are applied to wounds, rashes, or broken skin, the Center will follow its written procedure for non- prescription medication which includes the written order of the physician, which is valid for a year, and the Authorization for Medication form signed by the parent.
Plan For Mildly Ill Children
Children who are mildly ill may remain in school if they are not contagious (refer to Plan For Infectious Disease) and they can participate in the daily program including outside time.
If a child’s condition worsens or, if it is determined that the child poses a threat to the health of the other children, or if the child cannot be cared for by the classroom staff, the Program Director will contact the child’s parent(s). The parent(s) will be asked to pick up the child. The child will be cared for in a quiet area, a classroom or in the Center’s office by a teacher qualified staff member or by the Program Director until the parent(s) arrive to take the child home.
Any toys, blankets, or mats used by an ill child will be cleaned and disinfected before being used by other children.
First Aid & Transportation to the Hospital
In case of minor injury, a teacher trained in first aid will administer simple first aid will notify the parent(s) by phone during an appropriate time. An injury report will be filled out and a copy given to the parent (parent will sign our copy). The center will maintain first aid supplies in a first aid kit. The director will periodically review the contents of the first aid kit to ensure adequate supplies of necessary equipment are on hand. First aid equipment and supplies will be only used in a manner prescribed, and only by a qualified individual trained in first aid administration
- In the case of an emergency or illness (such as a seizure, a serious fall or serious cut), the teacher in charge will begin administration of emergency first aid while the assistant teacher or second teacher takes other children to another area or
- Other staff will be alerted to send for
- One of the supervisory staff will contact the parent to come and pick up child or, if response time is a factor, to have the parent meet the child and accompanying staff at the emergency room of the hospital utilized in
- If necessary, an ambulance will be called The parent will be called to meet the child and staff at the hospital. The teacher or other designated staff will go with the child in the ambulance. The child’s file will be taken, including permission forms.
- When parents cannot be reached, those listed, as emergency contacts will be called as a further attempt to reach In the event a parent cannot be reached immediately, a designated staff person will continue to attempt to reach parents.
Plan For Injury Prevention
To prevent injury and to ensure a safe environment, the staff member who opens each classroom is responsible upon arrival each day for monitoring the environment and for the removal of any hazards. Any needed repairs or unsafe conditions will be reported to the Director. No smoking is allowed on the premises.
- Toxic substances, sharp objects and other hazardous objects will be stored out of the reach of
- injury report for any incident which requires first aid or emergency care will be maintained in the child’s The injury report includes the name of the child, date, time and location of accident or injury, description of injury and how it occurred, name(s) of witnesses, name(s) of person(s) who administered first aid and first aid required. Staff will use an Accident/Injury Report Form to record the above information.
- Once the Program Director has reviewed the Accident/Injury Report form and has signed it, it will be given to the The parent will be allowed to review it, sign it, and then be given a copy.
Procedures That Will Be Followed In Urgent Emergency Medical Situations:
- Administer First Aid and CPR to the child as deemed necessary based on the nature of the emergency.
- Call emergency medical services right away. 911
- After EMS or emergency medical services have been contacted, call the child’s legal guardian.
- Take child’s medical information and emergency consents to doctors’ office or emergency room
Plan For Meeting Individual Children’s Specific Health Needs
During intake, parents will be asked to record any known allergies on the face sheet. The face sheet will be updated yearly.
All allergies or other important medical information will be posted in each classroom, on the refrigerator in the kitchen, and on the snack storage cabinet. The allergies list will be updated, as necessary. The names of children with allergies that may be life threatening (ie – bee stings) will be posted in conspicuous locations with specific instructions if an occurrence were to happen.
An individual health care plan will be kept for each child with a chronic medical condition, which has been diagnosed by a licensed health care practitioner. The plan must describe the chronic condition, its symptoms, any medical treatment that may be necessary while the child is in care, the potential side effects of that treatment and the potential consequences to the child’s health if the treatment is not administered.
Oral Health
All children over the age of two in care for more than four hours and eat a meal at the Center will engage in supervised tooth brushing after lunch. If you would not like your child to brush their teeth at school, please fill out the Oral Health Non-Participation form to waive this.