
Bright Beginnings is open from 6:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

The center will be closed New Year’s Day, MLK Jr. B-day, President’s Day, Good Friday, Patriots Day, Memorial Day, The Fourth of July, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Thanksgiving Day, the day after Thanksgiving, (Christmas Eve Early Closure 3:00) Christmas Day and the day after Christmas (Please understand sometimes these holidays may be observed on a Monday). *Holidays are subject to change.

The center will be open whenever possible on a regularly scheduled day, except in the case of severe weather or another emergency.

*Tuition is not reduced due to holiday closures, weather or emergency closings, your child being out sick and/or on vacation or any other reasons that an absence may occur.

Drop Off/Pick Up – Guardians will enter the building using their supplied key fob/code. The Director will monitor who enters the building as well as cameras that are in use. Only authorized guardians who are in the child’s file are permitted to pick up the child. In case of an emergency, pupils not on the list will only be allowed to pick up the child with the consent of the parent directly to the Director and only once person shows the Director a form of identification.

Please do not attempt to drop off your child prior to 6:30 a.m., even if center staff are in the building.  This is a MA state regulation.

Children should arrive at school by 9:00 a.m. unless otherwise discussed with center staff.   Late drop offs should be notified to center staff. If your child arrives later than 10:00 a.m. without center staff being notified, we may ask that your child not attend that day due to staffing needs.  Also, if your child has not arrived by 10:00 a.m. we may call you to make sure your child is safe.

If parent/guardian fails to pick up child and/or has not contacted the center and/or another authorized person cannot be reached within 30 minutes after closing time, center staff may release child to protective services or other local authorities. (MA state regulation)

Child Cubbies – Please check your child’s cubby daily and take home any forms, announcements, and your child’s work left there for you. Teachers also use the cubbies to post reminders of supplies your child needs and to provide you with your copy of your child’s daily sheet, monthly curriculum plans, etc.

Daily Sheets – The daily sheet is the primary means we use to communicate information about your child’s day to you. Daily sheets include notes about your child’s personal achievements, challenges, and interests over the day as well as about your child’s eating, sleeping, and toileting behaviors. Teachers use the daily sheets also to communicate special announcements or requests. The daily sheet can be extremely useful to you in your efforts to reconnect with your child at the end of each day.

Philosophy & Mission

We are so excited you have decided to have your family join ours!!  Here at Bright Beginnings our teachers are passionately dedicated to ensuring your child is cared for in a nurturing and educational environment.